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Traditional Undergraduate Admission Application

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List all former name(s) you may be known by. For example, a maiden name.


Note: Applications for Spring and Fall 2025 will be made available at a later date due to internal software upgrades. Please revisit in August 2024.

If undecided, please select one that interests you the most. This can be changed at a later date if needed.

Potential Nursing students must complete this application for admission to the university under the Pre-Health Sciences, B.A. program prior to accessing the nursing program application.


Must be 9 digits long with no dashes or spaces. If you do not have a SSN, please enter 000000000.

Include the area code, e.g. 559-555-1234. For international students, please add country code.

Include the area code, e.g. 559-555-1234


Use this format: MM/DD/YYYY


Marital Status


Original card will need to be presented

Used for statistical purposes only. The U.S. Department of Education requests that Fresno Pacific University collect this data.

(Optional) The term Hispanic or Latino means a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. 



Please request that official copies of your high school (or GED results) and college transcripts be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Final high school and college transcripts must be on file prior to enrollment.

High School Information
Please search for your high school.  If your school is not listed, select *High School Not Listed* and enter your school's information below.

For FPU Use Only

If you chose *High School Not Listed*, enter the name of your school.

When did/will you graduate or complete your GED?

College Information
Please list all colleges (including community colleges) that you have attended, beginning with the most recent. If you have attended more than one college, please click Add a College to add additional colleges. If your college is not listed in the search, choose *College Not Listed* and enter your school's information below.

For FPU Use Only

If you chose *College Not Listed*, enter the name of your school.

Month Year
Start Date
End Date

Academic Honors
Please describe any scholastic honors or distinctions that you have earned in high school or at the college level.


List any extracurricular, community and church activities or involvements. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments such as offices held, varsity letters earned, musical talents, etc. Also list any volunteer work or jobs held.  If you have more than one activity, click Add an Activity.


If you are interested in participating in college athletics and have not spoken with a coach, please visit the athletic website at to complete a recruit form.



Home Church


Permanent Home
If you make your permanent home with a spouse or someone else, please provide name and relationship, then continue to siblings/children section. Otherwise, please fill out the Parents section.


Parent Information
Parent 1

Parent 2

FPU Legacy

Please list relatives or friends who attended (or are attending) Fresno Pacific University.


If yes, please make sure employer and job title are listed in the parent's section of the application

Veterans are required to submit form #DD-214 and apply for eligibility with the Department of Veteran's Affairs


Additional Information

Housing Information



Applicant Statements
Please read and acknowledge each statement below: *

Any offer of admission to Fresno Pacific University prior to the applicant’s completion of high school is provisional, subject to successful academic work during their remainder of high school and proof of graduation, except for candidates who are applying for college entrance without high school graduation. Any offer of admission to an applicant transferring from another college is provisional subject to successful completion of course work in progress at the time of application and proof of good standing from the previous college. Meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to specific academic programs. Student's with a felony or misdemeanor conviction or adjudication, may not be eligible for clinical or internship placements, state licensure or other certifications required for successful program completion and/or employment. (i.e.: nursing clinicals and licensure, state education licensure, social work internships and licensure). All application materials become the property of Fresno Pacific University. Fresno Pacific University is committed to providing a learning and living environment that, consistent with its Christian beliefs, promotes safety, transparency, personal integrity, civility, mutual respect and freedom from invidious discrimination. Fresno Pacific is a Christian university governed by the Pacific District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, and is controlled by a board of trustees, the majority of whose voting members are elected by delegates of the conference. Fresno Pacific adopts and follows the Confession of Faith of the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. As such, Fresno Pacific is exempt under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 34 C.F.R. section 106.12, and from provisions of California Education Code 66270 to the extent that the application of Title IX and California Education Code 66270 are not consistent with our religious tenets. These exemptions may apply to, but are not limited to, requirements in the university’s community standards, employment policies, housing policies, admission and recruitment processes, benefits and services, financial assistance, and our academic programs, including student leadership, athletic and arts programs. Fresno Pacific University retains all rights afforded under federal law and the laws of the State of California. In compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Fresno Pacific University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability or status as a veteran in the recruitment or admission of students or in any of its policies, practices or procedures.

Values and Behavioral Expectations
The Fresno Pacific Idea affirms the university as a learning community that seeks to encourage its members … “ in a collaborative search for knowledge and experience which lend towards a perceptive and creative relationship with God, humanity, and the natural world…” As an extension of the educational mission of the Mennonite Brethren Church, the university affirms the authority of the Bible over all matters of faith and life. While Fresno Pacific University is a distinctly Christian institution, students do not have to be Christian to be admitted. Fresno Pacific University invites all who are committed to upholding the principles of respect, integrity and doing good in all situations, to be members of its community. 
The common good of any community is accomplished through established standards and behavioral expectations. Fresno Pacific University bases its standards and expectations on it’s Community Life Values: Integrity, Respect and Stewardship.
By accepting the invitation to attend Fresno Pacific University, you become part of its community and agree to abide by and uphold the behavioral expectation encapsulated in the Community Life Values and Standards. Behavioral expectations that flow out of the values include, but are not limited to:
• Actions and attitudes that uphold Christian and campus values.
• Individuals are to adhere to the laws of the “state” – city, county, state and federal.
• Academic integrity – plagiarism, cheating, etc. are prohibited.
• Fresno Pacific is a drug, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana free environment. Possession, use or being under the influence of illegal drugs is prohibited on and off campus. Underage consumption and providing alcohol for underage students is prohibited at all times, both on and off campus. 
• Scripture and the Confession of Faith of the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (the university’s sponsoring denomination) affirm marriage as existing only between a man and a woman. Fresno Pacific acknowledges the legality of same-sex marriage. Physical intimacy is reserved for individuals within a marriage covenant. The following conduct is prohibited: cohabitation with a romantic partner outside of a marriage relationship, living together with a member(s) of the opposite sex outside of marriage, excessive displays of romantic affection on campus or at officially sponsored FPU events. 
• Internet activities, entertainment choices or reading materials are to be consistent with Christian and campus values. Involvement with sexually explicit or suggestive materials – viewing, sending, possessing, etc., is prohibited. 
• Behavior that is productive to the education environment and upholds and promotes the academic success of others.
• Respect for the rights and opinions of others and for all campus authorities.
• Individuals are to conduct themselves with kindness and self-control. Harassment, hazing, intimidation, verbal threats, threatening or reckless behavior and violence directed at others are prohibited.
• Care and respect for personal and university property.
• Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives or weapons on campus is prohibited.
• Students whose behavior falls short of the declaration or intent of Fresno Pacific University’s Values and Behavioral Expectations will be referred to the restorative discipline process.
To complete your application, please indicate below stating that you have read, understand and agree to uphold the Fresno Pacific University’s Values and Behavioral Expectations as stated above and represented in the FPU Undergraduate Catalog and the Student Life Handbook